Red Makes Progress

##How’s that Final project going?

Final’s are slowly creeping up, and holy crap I’m starting to get freak out big time. I honestly think that it’s my mind making me feel this way because I really don’t have a big course load. I have 4 classes in total, CS331, CS350(retake), MATH152, and this Humanities class. I only have 3 final exams and 2 final projects to do, but boy does it feel daunting to get all of that done. I get after 2 other semesters I may have conditioned myself to feel this way when Finals week starts to approach.

For this Humanities class we have a final project that ended up being a investigation into vulgarity in today’s top music. We have already finished the first part of the project which was to create a python script that would fetch all the lyrics of the top songs of each year since 2000. The second half of the project is to write up a paper that explains our findings in words. Since my partner did most of the coding part, I took it upon myself to make the paper with the data he has gathered.

I’ve taken a quick look at the data and it’s, to say the least, suprising. Now I won’t spill the beans here or else there would be no need to read the writeup. Once we got the data for the years 2000-2015 we went on ahead and tried to scan other ranges and different number of songs.

Written on November 20, 2016 by Carlos Lopez