Introduction to the Digital Humanities

In the attempt to introduce oneself to the subject of Digital Humanities, it is essential to understand that DH is the fusion of the collective human culture, and computing technologies. Examples of this combination are found in the study of infographics, data analysis, pure research, applied research, etc. Why are the digital humanities important? Because being fluent and skilled in computer technologies is becoming the standard requirement for success in the modern workforce. Whether or not one’s work involves DH directly, it will contain at least some element of DH technique.

One emerging key feature of DH is the analysis of giant collections of data; sets that demand new methods of analysis. The accurate breakdown and interpretation of these data is capable of bringing about significant discovery. Ultimately, the goal is to find patterns in a multitude of different topics, for the benefit of the greater good. Through use of the Internet, a revolutionary DH project, digital publications are able to be accessed by more and more individuals. This phenomena is known as the Information Age. Arugably, DH played a major role in its construction.

DH provides new keys for unlocking the gates of discovery. Though a young scholarly field, it is constantly developing its roots in modern tradition. Throughout this century, one cannot doubt its growing significance. Because the future demands new skillsets for not only competition, but for the learning and prosperity of humanity itself.

Written on September 7, 2016 by Denis Komarov