Research Project Ideas

Currently, I am deciding between these topics for my DH research project:

  1. Global Internet Access

    Sample Question: How does Internet access and quality differ across the globe?

  2. Global Digital Divide

    Sample Question: Given that Earth’s continents are divided in their digital resources, what is the impact of this reality?

  3. World’s Primary Computer Languages

    Sample Question: What are some of the most widespread computer languages and what global purpose do they serve?

I am thinking of creating a video representation of my chosen topic. To coordinate this project, I plan to watch historical documentaries, science videos, read articles, find images, etc. I will include my own commentary over the appropriate resources, creatively combining them into a video format. I believe this to be the most interesting representation of my research because it allows for more than the interaction between thoughts, pen, and paper. It allows the the use of digital resources to stimulate ideas, while utilizing various software programs to provide for an exceptional project experience and result.

Written on September 19, 2016 by Denis Komarov