Film analysis

After exploring the readings posted on the schedule, I have discovered the various methods in which a film can be analyzed. The various methods include character-net construction and community clustering. Although each are very intricate, they permit a better understanding of the film being presented.

The firts method is a character-net construction. By evaluating the variety of interactions between characters, the characters with relationships can be determined and valued. The relationships are evaluated by the relative abundance of the interactions between two characters that you want to interpret. If there are numerous lines shared between two characters, the relationship is strong, however, if there are fewer lines, the relationship is considered weaker.

Another method commonly used in evaluating film is community clustering. Community clustering is putting two characters initials within parantheses and writing another set down for each line spoken, by doing so, the relative abundance of the lines can be calculated. This, once again, can determine the relationship strength between two characters. If there are more lines exchanged, the relationship is stronger, and if there are less lines shared, the relationship is weaker. Therefore, by counting the number of lines shared between two characters, one can determine the strength of the relationship.

All in all, text analysis of character relationships can be a very tedious process. It requires counting what seems like infitesimal lines of dialouge between a plethora of characters. It’s usefullness is, however, underrated. It allows one to determine the strength of nearly every relationship within a single plot. Therefore, these types of analysis are a useful piece of what research methods are.

1. Building a Character-net based on social relationships among characters.

2. Classifying role classes as major, minor or extra according to the centrality of a character in a Character-net.

3. Detecting sequences via the community clustering in a Character-net.

Park, Seung-Bo, Kyeong-Jin Oh, and Geun-Sik Jo. 2012. “Social Network Analysis in a Movie Using Character-Net.” Multimedia Tools and Applications 59 (2): 601–27. doi:10.1007/s11042-011-0725-1.

Written on September 26, 2016 by Bear Carlson