The Evolution of Language and Science

We have gotten all the preparation work for the project done. We have a list of ten old science fiction books and ten newer modern sci-fi books as well. The books that we were not able to get on we will be getting over thanksgiving break when we could use a Wi-Fi that would allow us to use different ways of getting the files for the novels that we will be analyzing. Once we have all the books we will run them through the text analysis programs and analyze the data. If we feel that the text analysis programs do not achieve the level of data analysis that we would like, we will ask the professor with help from some of her text analysis programs. Though this is only a precaution and should not be needed.

Once we have the data, we will put it into some sort of visual representation, most likely a graph or a chart. We will also be including a write up of the analyzed data to see if our claim that sci book language has evolved significantly over the years; is true. As newer technology has been invented and discovered over the years, science fiction writers now have a trove of new ideas to make their ideas come to life. The use of this new scientific language should be very visible in the data that we are able to gather, as well as the way authors write about these new and evolved technologies.

Written on November 21, 2016 by Matthew Schindler and Julian Escasa