TV Shows and Movies

In class we watched two pilots for tv series, one was called Once Upon a Time, and the other was Supergirl. For me personally, I have never been a big fan of tv shows, especially DC ones. (Sorry, I am a Marvel fan) I have always preferred movie better than shows. They take less of a time commitment and they can usually have a higher budget which in turns leads to higher production quality.

My favorite movies in the recent years has always been Marvel movies. When I first saw Iron Man when I was 10 I was hooked. I knew i wanted to be an engineer for the sole reason of one day making an iron man suit. As I have grown older I realize that might not be in the realm of possibilities to make one, at least not in my time unfortunately. These movies always got me to love them because I feel they nailed the formula for a superhero movie.

What Marvel does really well is mix humor with action. Before these movies came to fruition, films such as Superman, Batman, and Spiderman were some of the people’s favorite. But they were more on the serious action-adventure side. They never had that good sense of humor added to them. When Marvel started to make movies, they added humor as a top priority to their movies. It makes them more memorable, and gives people good jokes to talk about after the movie is over.

Marvel really knows how to hook a movie goer. This is a well acceptable fact after seeing how well these movies do in the box office and later on DVD. These is a certain art to making sure you can tell a good story in a movie but also make patrons love them. Studios hire people to specially do research to find out what everyone likes in a movie at the time, what direction should the director go, and so much more. They use new advances in digital humanities to make sure they can guarantee success, and in my opinion, movies and tv shows are better than ever now because of it.

Written on October 1, 2016 by