Meiqi Final Project update 1

At this time I have been focusing on the book, I have decided to choose black people as the tartget race I want to focus on my study. In the book “Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the Workplace”, the author focued on the latina in the jobmarkets in the United States. The picture following is the data the author has collected in the book. ** Well… I don’t know how to upload a photo here, but it is on page 226 of the book… I took a photo by using my cellphone.

I’m collecting data from The Urban Underclass It is an edited book by Christopher Jencks, and Paul E. Peterson.

There is a chapter called “We’d love to hire them, but…” illustrated the meaning of race for employers, and specifically indictated black people.

Written on November 14, 2016 by Meiqi Zhao