Thoughts after watching Supergirl

This post is about what I thought after watchig the movie Supergirl in the class. ## What we did during the class while we were watching Supergirl? I was using the GenderTimer to record the time whenever female characters spoke. Although I didn’t record any of men speaks’ time, I did realize that female characters talked much longer OR had many more chances to talk comparing with men characters. You may say, the movie is called “Supergirl”, there is no wonder why female characters speak more than male characters, right? However, the movie itself is not just saving the world, it’s also a symbolic, and I would like to call it a artistic work in feminism.

Thoughts after watching the movie

Before the movie Supergirl, I didn’t watch any super-hero movies or TV shows that the super hero is a female. Maybe the movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles counts, because Megan Fox played a big heroin in the movie, fight with the ninga turtles. But afterall, the the main characters are the turtles, not Megan Fox. So why it is always the man to save the world? Howcome every time is the man to get applause from the audience, get admired by females, and become heros? It is because they can lift heavier things? Or is it because they are in general taller than females? Except strengh and height, I cannot see why females cannot be a hero/heroin.

Being a supergirl does not have to be in the movie, real life needs supergirls, and they ARE exist.

A friend came to me and complained: She does multi-tasks all the time - finishing the project while cooking, replying the emails while having lunch, so many things need to get done in a single day, and she feels like overwhelmed.

She works in a TV station, in TV show channel. So everytime when people turn on their TVs, they see her work - shooting, editing, sounds/audio editing. I called her a supergirl - not only managed her life in order, never delay her works, and making the world better every day - people are satisfied with her work, she barely causes any trouble to anyone, howcome she cannot be called a hero? Saving people’s time, bring people happiness - She is a hero. It doesn’t have to save the world to be a super hero, little things that you do to make other people’s lives better, then you are a hero, even if you are a girl, you have more power than you thought.

Written on October 14, 2016 by Meiqi Zhao