Network Stories

The thing that makes humans unique from animals, also securing our spots on top of the food chain, is our ability to communicate and coordinate with each other on a more complex scale. The CBS produced show “Zoo” creates a scenario in which the world starts to see the exponential development of the animal brain, so much in fact, that they are able to communicate between different species. In other words, humans are good at talking and socializing with each other. So by nature our species survives by creating networks. Social meida networks, professional networks, personal networks… You name it and we’ve already created a network with it. It’s in our nature. But the unique thing about networks is that no one network is the same. Each one has a different beginning, middle, and end. As humans we’re unique, which means our networks develop in an equally unique manner too. In many ways a documented network tells a story. It could be your personal story, a fictional characters story, or a digitally footprinted story, but everyone has a network story. It’s just a matter of how you read it to the world.

Written on October 19, 2016 by Maddi Burrell