Once Analysis

Throughout the assignment on Monday and Wednesday, I consistently found myself forgetting to take notes and just enjoying the show. It was a very interesting tie between modern times and fantasy-like stories. This show is similar to the movie, The Fountain, where there is an uncertain tie between characters in the past and characters in the present.

Looking at the data, it’s apparent that Emma is the main character in the modern times, and Prince Charming and Sleeping Beauty. These characters have the most interactions with other characters, and one or the other always seems to appear in the scene. Looking at the types of interactions, it seems like the wicked witch and the mayor have similar character types (antagonist). It also seems like Henry is the person bringing Emma into the story.

Unfortuantely for the type of data collected, the dual world story is not apparent. The only way it’s exemplified is by inferring the dialogue, not just the frequency of the dialogue. Therefore, the data is prevelant for specific aspects of the plot, however, it’s not relevant to the dual world nature of the story.

Written on October 3, 2016 by Bear Carlson