Project Update

RQ Question

How has the language, syntax, and grammar of science fiction novels changed overtime?


Using text analysis, interpret significant textual differences of science fiction books written in the late-19th century (1850-1915) versus ones that are written in the early 21st century (2000-2015).


We have selected twenty popular science fiction books (ten past, ten present), based on reviews, popularity, and reader ratings.

The twenty books are titled below:


Frankenstein (1818) - Mary Shelley

The Time Machine (1895) - HG Wells

Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) - Robert Stevenson

The War of the Worlds (1897) - HG Wells

The Lost World (1912) - Arthur Doyle

The Invisible Man (1897) - HG Wells

Journey to the Center of the Earth (1894) - Jules Verne

The Poison Belt (1913) - Arthur Doyle

Looking Backward: 2000-1887 (1888) - Edward Bellamy

The Coming Race (1871) - Edward Bulwer-Lytton


The Martian (2011) - Andy Weir

Ready Player One (2011) - Ernest Cline

11/22/63 (2011) - Stephen King

The Maze Runner (2009) - James Dashner

Under the Dome (2009) - Stephen King

House of Suns (2008) - Alastair Reynolds

Snow Crash (1995) - Neal Stephenson

Old Man’s War (2007) - John Scalzi

Redshirts (2012) - John Scalzi

The Quantum Thief (2010) - Hannu Rajaniemi

Written on November 14, 2016 by Julian Escasa and Matthew Schindler