Burnette Reflection Post

December, snow, cold, finals, oh my god. It cannot be true, not yet. This semester was suppose to be my last hurray, I was suppose to do so good that I surprised myself. But as true for many people in my shoes, things didn’t go so well. And this especially applies to this class. You never know just how badly getting sick will affect your semester until it happens. After this semester, I will never wish getting pneumonia on anyone. Not only did it suck and hurt really bad, it made my last semester impossible. To feel stuck at the beginning more than half way through the semester. You honestly just do not want to do. Not with six classes.

On a brighter note, the stuff taught in this class and what this class means is truly great. Everyone has to do research, but not many are all that good with it. A class like this more commonly would change the face of a university. Of course some alterations would be needed to apply to different departments.

If I could go back and do one thing differently, I would have put more effort into doing better on the blogs and doing them more frequently. I feel that there was a lot missed because I just couldnt get my stuff done on time. The class went at the perfect pace and approached the subjects in a way that made sense for the material.

Not to mention the final project. The final project is just great. I really hope that you like it when you see it.

Signing out for the last time


Written on December 5, 2016 by Steve Burnette