Time Analizing

What we’ve learned during past two weeks was the analize of time of speach for characters in different genders. This gave us an other kind of understood in films and tv shows. What we’ve learned previously was just the agjtive in different genders through lectures. This would be simpler to do through programs, but the problem is that it would be hard to analize materieals based on voice and graphies. It has provide several other demetions on analizing. For example, we can analize the storyboard on different characters and the discrebtions of these storyboards: character was shoot from below to show the greatness of it or if it was shoot in darkness which represent the evilness of it. With all of these data in different direction, we may have a better understood of different characters. Which can help better understood the judge of the author in different characteristics.

Written on October 17, 2016 by