Red, programming, and snakes?

#Red, programming, and snakes?

I don’t think I’ve mentioned the fact that I’m studying for a degree in Computer Science(CS) at Illinois Institute of Technology(IIT). This semester I’m taking CS 331, which is a class about data structures and algorithms, sounds fun,right. Anyway, most of the CS classes are taught in a programming language, and this class in particular is taught in python programming language.

Now you may be thinking, “Red, what the hell does this have to do with Digital Humanities?”. Well, to tell you the truth once my professor for Digital Humanities was going to have us work in python, I was pretty damn glad. That’s because now I was going to see real life uses for the programming that I was learning(kind off).

According to my professor python is extremely useful for text analysis, an extremely useful technique for understanding text. Since python is a good choice for databases and simple syntaticly, it was a straightforward choice for it to be used for analysing text.

In other news, I finally wore my pair of new dark brown captoe derbies to a wedding.

And that’s what Red thinks.

Written on September 26, 2016 by Carlos Lopez