Amina's First Blog

Hello, my fellow bloggers! I hope I’m doing this right, but I mean, it’s my first entry so it won’t be perfect that’s for sure! Well, I’ll be honest, I registered for this class because I needed a humanities credit, and it fit into my schedule perfectly. However, when I first saw the topic I was intrigued. I had no idea what it meant by “Digital Humanities”, so it was definitely my first time hearing the two words be put together. I joined last minute, hurrying to find a Humanities class that would be perfect for my schedule, too so I had no idea what to expect when I registered. I took a fascism and anarchy humanities class last semester and I really enjoyed it, so I thought this would just be another humanities class like that. However, it seems to me that it’ll be quite different than a lot of other humanities classes. I also saw it said research methods, so I just figured we’d be learning how to research better so that we can produce better research papers. Reading about what we’re going to be doing in this class sounds very interesting! It all sounds new to me, besides doing research of course. Even using this GitHub/Jekyll is brand new to me, and it’s very confusing, but I hope to get the hang of it after at least the 3rd or 4th blog entry! This website is really something I want to learn how to use for sure. I don’t really know what digital humanities even is, but I definitely want to learn about it and from the lecture I’ve been in so far, I can definitely say it intrigues me, and it’s completely new to me. Social Media and how technology has evolved definitely interests me, so learning about how we as a society view it and how it’s affected us would be awesome to learn about! Especially because a lot of sources aren’t credible these days and just want to spread news as fast as possible without even making sure if it’s accurate. So that’s definitely one main thing I want to learn more about in this class hopefully.

Written on August 29, 2016 by Amina Krlicevic