Course Overview

Many college students go into college with the hopes of discovering new and vital information to help them pursue both a degree, and eventually a job in their selective field of expertise. In my case, I did learn a lot, but I didn’t find all the information presented to be applicable. I did find the shortened reading tool, the video analysis, and the research question formatting to be benificial. Overall, however, I don’t believe I gained a lot from taking this class other than a humanities credit.

This is in no way a reflection on Professor Hemphill, who showed up to class everyday with a passion for the subject. She taught the class well and addressed all issues with charisma. If I could do it again, I would’ve chosen a class that actually intrigued me, but overall it was a good first humanities class to begin my college career!

Written on December 6, 2016 by The Other Bear Carlson