Amina's Fourth Blog!


Stereotyping has always been an issue, and people have been stereotyping for as long as anyone can remember. Based on the stereotypes, men are usually perceived as the strong, muscular, and powerful ones who always have to save the girl. Women on the other hand are perceived as weak, and the ones who always have to be saved, and can’t do anything on their own without the help of a big, strong man. Women are usually staying at home and cleaning the house, making dinner for the men, while the men are out working all day and come home to a nice meal made by their wives. Now I’m pretty sure all of this sounds familiar, especially because we read the articles on Harry Potter and how females play a role in the books/movies. Now I’m not really a Harry Potter fan, I have never watched the movies, nor have I read those enormous books. Not having read the books or seen the movies is beside the point though. I haven’t actually thought about how women are perceived in movies or books until I read these articles on Harry Potter. Women seem to almost never be given important roles like men are given. Men are always out saving the world or saving the woman in need. It’s always perceived like that; men are stronger and looked up to while women are looked down upon and aren’t as important as the men in the movie/book. Throughout the article, it sounded a bit repetitive to me, but I did get a lot out of it. Besides the writer talking about the differences between how men are perceived and how women are perceived, she talked about something else as well that stood out to me as well. She mentioned how a lot of this is done so the younger generations who watch these movies or read these books are shown how the world is like. It shows them how men should act and how women should act, especially in relationships, or in the household. That’s understandable I guess but to a certain extent. It’s interesting the way they think that. Regardless, it was interesting to read this article and see how far into it the writer went to prove her point!

Written on September 19, 2016 by Amina Krlicevic