I Am a Digital Humanist

Digital humanities is an academic field of study that, as implied in the name, uses digital tools to understand and apply the various classical humanities disciplines: philosophy, art, literature, linguistics and others.

My interest in the digital humanities stems from an interest in using the benefits afforded by digital tools to bring culture and educational programs to the public and those who would otherwise not have access to witness first-hand some of humanity’s highest achievements. Ultimately, I would like to help implement cutting edge technology like virtual and augmented reality into educational settings like museums and schools in order to facilitate social and cultural understanding. However, there are many other paths digital humanists take in their careers including data analysis, archiving, media research, et cetera.

Some of the greatest benefits of modern digital tools are accessibility, connectivity, and information – powerful weapons in the fight for cultural literacy. Therefore, it is the responsibility of digital humanists to learn, understand, and utilize these tools in order to not merely expand our common knowledge of modern media and the humanities, but to make connections and offer an enhanced perspective of the world we live in to those without the ability to see it.

Written on September 2, 2016 by Amy Kamin