More On Analysis

Even a blank space can be analyzed

So yes, it happened last week. For the first time ever, I willingly listened to a Taylor Swift song. Did I like it? Of course not! There’s a reason I don’t regularly listen to her music. So then you may be asking, “Why Robert? Why did you willingly listen to a T-Swift song?” SO let me tell you, first, that it wasn’t continuous, more like bits and pieces of the whole song, and second, I was kind of forced to.

Now before you start saying no one can force me to do anything, I will tell you I didn’t say I was forced too, however, I did say kind of. Because the video I watched that contained Taylor’s song was a very good video, and it interested me very much, except, you know, for the song choice.

But forget all the ranting, LET ME TALK TO YOU ABOUT MY EXPERIENCE! First, I would like to thank my professor for assigning such a great video, and what made it even better was that it wasn’t some long book section all about rhetorical analysis. AND RHETORICAL ANALYSIS IS SO COOL! The was see it, there is a reason why everything is done, whether it is done by an author writing a book, an artist painting a picture or a director making a music video. And while most of the time, these creative individuals don’t like to really tell us what drove their artistic passion, rhetorical analysis gives us a way of picking apart any work, thus allowing us to understand them and their work better. Some people may also say that not everything is meaningful, but if a choice had to be made, then there is meaning to it. Like for example, if the author says the curtain is blue, there’s a reason for that, doesn’t necessarily have to be an important reason, but any reason is a good enough reason! Not only do I think the creator of the video was spot on with his analysis, but I feel like he could describe it in a way that anyone could understand, even without taking classes in rhetorical analysis and learning and understanding all the hundreds and thousands of terms. For me, it helped me see a new perspective to analysis one where not everything needs to be linked together, but random instances of choices can all exist but still make sense. It also helped me see just how powerful rhetorical analysis, and how it can be applied in every situation, not just the papers and books written hundreds of years ago.

Written on November 20, 2016 by Robert Judka