Semester/Course Reflection: What a Great Semester!

Semester Reflection!

Well I don’t know about the rest of you but I had a great semester, especially having this class on my schedule. Even though we learned a lot in this class, I can probably say this class was my favorite just because of how laid back everything was. We still got everything done on time regardless, but everything being so chill was perfect, considering how many other classes I have and how much work each professor assigned! I had a lot of work this semester, and the amount of stress I had, I’m just saying this class helped me relax a little. I didn’t have so much to worry about besides readings and writing a blog every week. Every week was interesting, and I learned something new every week. From learning about text and video analysis, to learning about how to use python a little and analyze text with that. My first day in the class, when I heard about GitHub, that was new to me, too. I never heard of GitHub nor had I ever used anything like it. When I heard we had to write blogs, I thought we’d use actual blogging websites, not a blog website that involves coding like Python or something Java related. Actually, let’s start with digital humanities overall. I had NO idea what digital humanities were. All I knew is what the word digital meant, and what humanities meant, but I had never heard of the two words being used together. Throughout class, we all realized that digital humanities is digital, online interactions, and just humanities digitally. We also learned how digital humanities activities include curation, analysis, editing, modeling, and creating and we learned what each was and how they’re included in digital humanities. However, I think one of my favorite classes was watching Supergirl and Once and using those shows to learn how to analyze video. It was fun to do something other than reading text and learning from that. It’s always better to learn something in different ways, that way it will stick easier. Learning how to make videos with iMovie was interesting as well. I’ve never made anything close to a video before, and now that Bear and I are making a short video for our final project, it’s actually a bit fun, not considering how much work it’s been though! I hope to use the information I’ve learned in this class in the future, and I definitely will use somethings especially text analysis, and iMovie, and I definitely will continue using GitHub for other things. Although it took me a while to get used to it, I think it’s probably the most interesting blogging website I’ve come across! Anyway, I would definitely recommend this class to other students, not only because we learned so much in this class, but because this class made me realize that not all classes in college are dreadful!… haha. Thank you, Professor Hemphill, for making class this semester one of the best and most informative classes I’ve taken my time at IIT.

Written on December 2, 2016 by Amina Krlicevic