Update on Final Project w/ Amina & Bear!

With every popular video or writing written, there always comes an overeaction of its contents, and we call this video analysis. This week, Amina and I chose to watch the video analysis of Taylor Swift’s hit song “Blank Space”. As always with this class, I learned something new. Not only that the gentleman in the beginning of the video drives a rare car from the 60s, but how to interpret videos and all the pieces that go into it.

The first scene is of a man, in a suit and a vintage car in front of a nice house. Obviously this classifies this guy as classy, as depicted by his surrounding and the way he dressed. The next scene is a cutaway of Taylor Swift laying in bed, with a white cat in her hand, white sheets, and breakfast on a silver platter in bed. This represents the wealth that she’s emersed into. She is also wearing black, which implies that she has a need to go against the status quo, which signifies her being a handful.

Next, we decided to try and analyze a scene while pausing it, as to try it out for ourselves. This scene potrays the same guy sitting at a dinner table, with a fancy decor around him, including a nice dinner featuring silver platters and nice utensils in the surrounding area. Despite all the nice surroundings, the man seems to be upset or distraught because he’s slouched and appears to be immersed in stressful thinking.

Therefore, the analyis of this video was a helpful example in studying the digital humanities.

Written on November 21, 2016 by and The Other Bear Carlson